In collaboration with Shepley Bulfinch, McClain + Yu commenced an ambitious effort to develop a new Institutional Masterplan of the Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) campus. Through thoughtful planning and design, the team completed an in-depth analysis of the current state of the facilities along with an assessment of the physical infrastructure of the college and developed a series of findings and projections that create a framework for the next ten years of development at the college.  The proposed Masterplan for SFCC provides a facilities and land use plan to guide the physical development and redevelopment of the campus.  The Institutional Masterplan encompasses the development /redevelopment priorities, delineates campus program zoning, estimates, in 2021 dollars, for budgeting of capital projects, and identifies a framework in which the college can responsibly, and holistically continue to carry out its mission. With the adoption of the newly designed Master plan which will guide future development, improvement projects will run more efficiently, assuring that the student population can enjoy the utmost advancements in technology and in their learning environments.